The Power of Motivation

You wake up at 10 am despite setting your alarm for 7.30. You’re sore from your workout the day before. It’s freezing outside, there’s nothing to eat in the house and you feel like going back to sleep. That’s when you decide that there’s absolutely no way you’re going to the gym today.

Everyone has a day like this at some time, that’s just the way it is. On those difficult days, we need something special to give us a bit of a boost. For those who are not intrinsically motivated, a source of motivation is needed – and the internet is a great place to look. Be it music, video or something else, a strong dose of motivation can be the difference between a big workout and a waste of time.


Youtube is a treasure trove of motivational videos and this is why it should be your first stop. Some videos are specialized to certain sports, some feature scenes from movies and some simply rely on quotes to get the message across. Here are a few of the best.

How bad do you want it? – Training footage of a college football player hoping for an NFL call up, coupled with a great speech by Eric Thomas.

When? – Based around a series of of quotes and cuts to scenes of sporting and political greatness: Michael Jordan’s Chicago Bulls, Muhammed Ali, Malcolm X and more.

Nike commercial (2010) – A montage of sporting clips coupled with a powerful speech  doubting the theory of evolution and the claim that ‘only the strong survive’.

Inch by inch speech – Al Pacino’s pre-game speech to his players from the climax of the 1999 film Any Given Sunday. One of the most famous inspirational speeches of all time.

Rocky Balboa’s speech – The classic lecture an emotional Rocky gives his son in the final film of the boxing series. Motivational background music has been added to make it even better.


With the abundance of iPods, iPhones and mp3 players in general, many use music for an extra kick both before and during a workout. So put those earphones in and add these tunes to your training playlist.

  • Pendulum – Witchcraft (best track for training!)
  • Swedish House Mafia – Greyhound
  • Prodigy – Breathe
  • John O’Callaghan ft. Sarah Howells – Find Yourself
  • Skrillex – The Devil’s Den
  • Nero – Innocence
  • Pendulum – Watercolour
  • Audiomachine – Reaching (so good it doesn’t need vocals)
  • Eminem – Not Afraid
  • Eminem & Lil Wayne – No Love
  • Fort Minor – Remember The Name